Two words that I
dont like but still they haunt me today. I
am pensive because sales revenue this week SUCKS the big one.....something has to be done to motivate the masses to buy crown moulding and new doors for their houses! I
am doing alot of footwork but very little actual purchase agreements which make me a little nervous about this month but happy about June, July and August! Anyway, let the quoting begin and hopefully something will come along quicker.
am frustrated with a few things but most of all, I
have a friend who is going thru some pretty deep issues...ones that will effect his life as well as the lives of his family .... and he is not seeing the whole picture and about to make some big mistakes. But what can you do. It is like watching an alcoholic go down the path to the bottom. You cant do anything but love the guy and when he is finally at the bottom AND
realizes he needs there to help him.
have really been wanting to email chat with guys about stuff....seems a little more difficult then I
thought! I
think the epal email website that I
signed up on is basically a way for lonely straight dudes to pick up lonely straight chicks! So I
am going to cancel it today..... I read all of these blogs on here and would really like to have a cool blog too but my brain doesnt think the same creative way that these guys do. But I have to say when I am reading theirs, I am usually like, WOW I can relate to that. I would love to have a great community of bloggers that chat back and forth about all issues. I am on a forum at Just Us Boys and it is great conversing with the other guys on there. Very theraputic.
am going camping this weekend to I
usually go myself but this weekend I
am going with some other guys that I
have never gone with before....kind of strange because I
met the one guy through work and we kind of both figured out our stories and then discovered we both like going to this campground. I
camp the old fashioned a tent....of course, I
have sleepin bag on an air mattress and there is wireless internet and portable microwave....but I
am roughing it!