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Saturday, June 12, 2010


 I am saddened to read that one of the blogs that I follow is leaving.  Scott Str8 Jock Talking aka The Gayest Str8 Guy  had a great blog and I have to say that I looked forward to reading it every day.  I think I liked it so much because his blogs were very often things I related to or had experience with.  It was a view point from a guy that relalized lifestyles are much more then "I am straight" or "I am gay"....they can be alot in the middle as well.....it is sad that he is leaving but I understand commitments to could give it a good try but I have such a hard time thinking about subject matter.  I mean by that...that I often think of things to write about but it is not always convenient to sit down and write.....so I think, " I will do that later, I will remember the subject matter" but that never happens!

On another front, 5 days till Peru!!!!!!!!!!!  It is hard to imagine that it is winter there!

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