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Wednesday, April 13, 2011


Welcome two new followers to my blog...now that means I need to write more often!  Thanks to A Breeders Journal  for sending a shout out because I sent him a pic....

I am back from Vegas and really had a good time.  I did something that I had never done before and I have to say that it was alot of fun and I would go again.  I went to a bath house called Entourage and then across the street to Hawks Gym.  I got a great message and a nice soak in the hot tub.  Never had been in a wet steam room before nor had I ever been completely buck naked walking around with other guys.  It was alot of fun.  Did not gamble much which is odd for me but copious amounts of adult beverages were consumed!

Now it is back to work and waiting till the next vacation.


  1. Why gamble when you can walk around a bunch of men naked:-)

  2. You mean wet steam as opposed to sauna? My own preference, hands down, is for steam. Sadly it's harder to come across these days; I assume because saunas are more modular, easier to install and take somewhat less maintenance.

    I have huge nostalgia for the baths, and look forward to visiting a city with one some day soon. I agree with cyberi4a - why gamble? (But I'd for sure be doing more than just walking around...)

    Great photos over at Mr Steed's place, by the way!

  3. Thanks to both of you for your comments...it is nice to see someone is reading the posts!! But I have 13 followers now....Woo HO!!! Yeah, I sincerely liked the wet steam room....it was great and I had never experienced one before. I was used to the dry sauna and the action was definitely happening in there but the wet steam was more my thing. Yeah, I did a little more than walk around while I was there but I was so nervous the first 20 mins about going naked thru the place that I could not think of anything else. I sat in the hot tub a little while, calmed down and realized that I was not the worst looking guy in the place and then I was cool with it. it was alot more fun than gambling and I definitely will go again soon.
